Ani som si nemusela odkrojiť z tejto nádhery, aby som vám mohla opísať tú úžasnú lahodnú chuť, ktorou tento čoko zázrak oplýva. Tortička sa dostáva na popredné miesto v mojom rebríčku dezertov, no vážne… Keď som išla včera piecť, nemala som žiadnu inšpiráciu, žiadnu predstavu aký krém použijem, ako tortu ozdobím. Nič špeciálne neoslavujeme, nikto nemá narodky ani iný sviatok, takže torta vznikla len tak pre potešenie. Aby som neklamala, tak aj ako dôsledok mojej neodolateľnej chuti na niečo čokoládové, ale zároveň aby výsledkom bola estetická letná torta (ja viem, som strašná osoba). Tak som sa do toho s vervou pustila. Upiekla som si 4 čokoládové korpusy (samozrejme každý samostatne, hmm. Veď už mi niekto kúpte tie ďalšie 3 formy:PP), manželíka som poslala do záhrady bez inštrukcií nazbierať ozdoby (výsledný vienok na obrázkoch:P). V hlave mi potom skrsol nápad na black & white tortu a kocky boli hodené. Časť krému som ochutila bielou čokoládou a do druhej, menšej časti som pridala kakao. Nie je to úplne, že black and white, ale myšlienka je dôležitá, no nie?:)
Momentálne smerujem moje nedeľné, pomalé kroky opäť do chladničky odkrojiť si kúsok (naozaj posledný!) z tejto lahody a vám zverujem tento recept, aby ste si tiež uspokojili chuťové poháriky sladkým dezertom.
P.S. Niektoré fotky made by šikovný manželík (vďaka ❤❤❤)
Ingredients Instructions
I did not even have to cut off a bit from this beauty to be able to describe you so great delicious taste of this miracle. This cake reached the top in my list of desserts… really! Yesterday, when I wanted to bake something, I did not have any inspiration or any pre-prepared concept about what kind of frosting I will use or how I will decorate the cake. We did not celebrate anything, no one had a birthday that day, or any other feast day, so the cake was just a random treat. However, to say the truth, it was also the consequence of my desire for some chocolate, but also the result had to be some esthetic summer cake (I know… I am a horrible person). So I started with a great effort. I have baked four chocolate layers (individually, of course. Please, someone buy me other three forms 😛 :P) and to my husband, I have sent him to the garden to gather some decorations (the result is the wreath on pictures :P). Then a great idea appeared in my mind – I will create a black & white cake… and so I have started. The part of the frosting was made with the white chocolate and to the second, smaller part, I have added the cocoa. It is not completely black and white, but at least the idea was important, wasn´t it? 🙂
My slow Sunday steps are now heading towards the fridge again, to cut off a bit (really the last one) of this delicious cake and I am sharing with you this recipe to satisfy also your taste buds with such a sweet dessert.
P.S: A few photos are made by my skillful husband (thanks:)
Ingredients for two layers:
- 120 g soft butter
- 140 g brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 cup milk
- 100 g melted dark chocolate
- 150 g all purpose spelt flour
- 35 g cocoa
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- White chocolate frosting:
- 250 g mascarpone (or cream cheese – but more savoury taste than mascarpone cheese)
- 50 g butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 100 ml whipping cream
- 150 g melted white chocolate
- Cocoa frosting:
- 125 g mascarpone
- 1 tbsp cocoa
- 1 tbsp powder sugar
- 30 g butter
- 50 ml whipping cream
- Preheat oven to 180°C and grease the springform (diameter 18cm).
- Beat the butter with sugar.
- Then add one egg at the time and yolk.
- Add melted, slightly cooled chocolate and milk.
- In a separate bowl, mix together flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, pinch of salt and then combine with the butter mixture.
- Separate the batter equally and scoop it into two prepared spring forms. Bake for 25 minutes.
- If you want 4 layers repeat the entire procedure.
- Let baked layers cool down. You can also cut down the top, to make them nice and flat.
- Prepare the white frosting. Whip mascarpone, butter, extract, melted and slightly cooled white chocolate and put it into the fridge for 5 minutes. In the end, mix in the whipping cream and put it again into the fridge.
- Prepare the dark frosting. Whip mascarpone, butter, cocoa, sugar, and in the end, mix in the whipping cream. Then, put it into the fridge to cool.
- On each layer, I have spread the layer of white frosting and the cake was frosted with the cocoa and white frosting.
- Decorate with fruit or flowers.
You mentioned mascarpone in Slovak part and cream cheese in English part. There is difference between two and both of them are available in north america.
I know, there is difference, but you can use both as substitutes more or less. I have heard that it is harder to find mascarpone in US, thats why i wrote cream cheese..Yes, it is true cream cheese has got more savoury aftertaste and mascarpone is little bit sweeter (i will update:)
Such a gorgeous cake! I love your photos, I will be sure to read more of your posts 🙂
Thaaanks June!
Beautiful cake! What size spring forms did you use?
Thanks! For this particular cake I used 18 cm cake form – 7 inches in diameter.
Dobrý deň,
chcela by som sa opýtať, ohľadne bieleho mascarpone kré tam napísané, že po minútach tuhnutia v chladničke sa prišľahá smotana a opäť sa dá stuhnúť. Mám to chápať tak, že tam nalejem tekutú tú smotanu a šľahám až kým sa to vymieša, alebo tam primiešam už vyšľahanú smotanu? Prosím Vás akej konzistencie je ten krém? Je vhodné doňho primiešať ovocie alebo je moc tuhý. Ďakujem za odpoveď a prajem krásny deň 🙂
Wow wow wow. First of all, I got to say you have a so great taste of color match. look at this cake!!! Look all the little berries and flowers on top, they are just so cute and facinating. I just wonder how could you ever have the braveness to cut the cake? I would wish to cut a so amazing cake like this.sooo beautiful.
Fantastic, beautiful…..i Like .
Well, my first time to see such a beautiful cake, congratulations on making it, you guys are great. Cheers!
Laura Wu